Ashford Conservatives have started a petition demanding that Spelthorne Council tackles the antisocial behaviour connected to Imtech House.
The former office block in Woodthorpe Road is being used to house London Borough of Hounslow tenants and is causing disruption and cost to our community. Local businesses have had to clear up human waste and used nappies; our council regularly removes excessive litter from outside; and residents have reported abuse from some tenants who seem to have little respect for the people around them.
Surrey Police and Surrey County Council attend incidents at Imtech House at a cost to Ashford taxpayers and with NO contribution from Hounslow.
We think it is time Spelthorne Borough Council which is run by the Independent group and backed by Labour, Greens and Liberal Democrats pull their finger out and press Hounslow Council to end their contract with the landlord and allow local families to live here.
Or Hounslow Council must cover the extra costs of policing, tidying, and managing tenant relationships. If you agree please sign our petition at the below link and call on the council to act.
Sign our Imtech House petition at: Petition Anti-social behaviour at Imtech House in Ashford (ipetitions.com)