Residents survey

Share your views on local issues that concern you.

Residents survey

  • Current Local issues
  • Get involved
  • Your details
With one star being very dissatisfied and 10 stars being very satisfied
1.2. Which THREE of these local issues do you think should be prioritised?
Please check 3 boxes only
1.3. What is the single biggest local issue that affects you as a resident of Spelthorne?
Please restrict your answers to 300 words.
1.4. What more can the local Council do for you?
Please restrict your answer to 300 words.
1.5. If you would like to raise a specific issue with your local Conservative Councillor, please do so here and it will be passed on along with your contact details.
Please restrict your answer to 300 words.


Conservatives pledge a new era of openness in Spelthorne Council

Spelthorne Conservative Association Statement on Spelthorne Council’s Commercial Investments   Cllr John Boughtflower, Conservative Group Leader & Leader of Spelthorne Borough Council issued a statement regarding the Council's commercial investments programme.   The statement reads

New community projects for Staines South & Ashford West

Councillor for Staines South and Ashford West Denise Turner Stewart has been working with local residents on a number of projects to improve the area. The Ashford Road Residents Association wish to plant a wildflower margin along the full length of Ashford Road and the knee rail requires repair and

Leader's announcements to the Council

Council Leader John Boughtflower made his announcements to the Council today. Following the removal of previous Conservative Councillors, Boughtflower addressed the Council and revealed his objectives for Spelthorne going forward. Here is his entire speech. “Good evening everyone and welcome to t